Saturday, May 29, 2010

Its been a while...

Wring wring
the telephone cord
umbilical cord
wring wring
reach out
place a call
place that call
on the other end is love

Sunday, June 15, 2008

a meal...

take a slice of life
eat it up
dulls the hunger
but not enough to satisfy
bite off more then you can chew
then choke
but this meal is not for me
it is rotten
i starve myself
life is for the weak
for me there is deaths


the desert
dry, barren
drastic changes
warm and bright
the dull darkness can be dangerous
unexpected threats
minimalist survival
few pass this way
those who do, hesitate
be prepared
know what you get yourself into
it doesn't know when it's coming
lashing out
a storm turns the desert upside down
it passes
it has changed
but the desert remains

there is only the world...

no map, no compass, no signs
fumbled around the world
the red woods made me feel small
the pyramids made me feel insignificant
the great wall made me feel unguarded
the oceans made me feel shallow
armies of children, Auschwitz, Chernobyl, Hiroshima
i knew there was no god


leech my life away
you bitch
suck my dreams
as they begin to form in front of my eyes
gnaw my bones to stop me from growing
claw at my mind
stealing my memories
my very soul away
you left me an empty vessel
and you blame me for everything

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mania and Dilutions...

I climbed a mountain
That walking on water feeling
The power
The strength
The mania

I made the river red
I parted the sea
The power
The strength
The mania

I cured cancer
I won the Nobel Prize
The power
The strength
The mania

I pressed the button
I dropped the bomb
The power
The strength
The mania

I created the Earth, light, everything
On the 7th day I rested
The power
The strength
The mania

At either end...

As a child I crawled into a culvert
I went into the tunnel
After a while it grew dark
The stones bruised my hands and knees
The water chilled me
It wasn't until then that I realized
What it was like to be alone
That I was alone
The day still sticks with me
When I have time to think
I am in that tunnel again
A small spot of light at either end
It's impossible to turn around
So I go forward
And hope that when this ends
I won't be alone