Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas Charity...

It comes to me that most of the "charities" are run by or some how connected to religious organizations (Christianity being the big one). Are Christians that much more selfless then the rest of us? I think not. I think they do it for several reasons the least of which is a truly selfless act. Whether it's being guilted into giving,bribed into giving (with the "kingdom of heaven" or the like, there are many reasons for what they do but the worst of all is holding their "charity" back from those who aren't (or won't convert to being) Christian. If you want to share what you have with other people (for what ever the reason) that's fine, but DON'T force your beliefs on other people. It's a time of year when people want to share with others the most and giving freely can truely be something special, so give a hand, a loaf, an ear, or a smile to someone who could use it and leave the bribery to the secular world. It looks bad for God to have people who claim to be representivies of Him to act in such ways. Judgement shall come down on you in The End (if you believe in that) and if you believe in a God at all like mine you will be judged most harshly. Be beacons for your religion (whatever it is) by your actions.

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