Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Library...

All the world is a library
And we are all books
Or so you seem to think

You walk around to the places that interest you
Home improvement

You look at the books as you pass by
And sometimes one grabs you eye
The title
The look

Pick it up
Read the dust cover
Find out what it is about

After a bit you might even open it up 
See what's under the cover
In the pages here and there

And when you find one that suits 
You take it home
But not for long

When you are done you take it back
You keep looking
For another book


The Great Hill
When you start the view is amazing
And the world seems so big

As you begin to go down the hill 
You encounter bumps and small stones
They throw you off
But the wind on your face lets you know you're alive

After a bit you get use to the speed
And you want more
You peddle faster
Look at you go
But take care
Not too fast or you will miss it

You go off jumps
Tricks that once seemed difficult
Are now performed with ease
Too busy with what you are doing
Don't forget about the world

Too late
Too fast
Half way down already
You don't notice the view
The road is your focus
The rut you are in

The home stretch
It seemed so smooth from the top
It seemed so easy
But you notice every bump
You are sore

Near the end
The hill seemed so big
But it's gone now
And you just taste the ground

A key...

Just because I can come and go
Doesn't mean I am free to leave
A prison without bars they say
You are on the other side
But I am the one who counts the days
You have distractions
And I have these walls
There are windows though from which I can see the world
But it doesn't pass me by
There are things to do here but I can't
Waiting to see what you are doing
Plan my life around your day
And you seem to sense it
When I stop thinking and start doing
You call

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

God damn them all...

I was told
Opposing views
Opinions biased
Advice turning me astray
Guidance leading to disaster

You deceitful bastards
Betray my faith
But deceive me no longer

Grit my teeth
Bite the lip
Blood drips as I
Take responsibility

I have made mistakes
But I am lost no longer


Sing out loud
And let yourself be heard

Out of this box
Into the world again

Up to the ones
Trample down

Do more
Then shake your fist
Shake up

With your garbageman
The business woman on the bus
Squeegee kids on the street
The old man struggling to climb the stairs

Let yourself show
Creativity comes from the heart
You can't be happy all the time
But damn close
If you allow yourself to be human