The Great Hill
When you start the view is amazing
And the world seems so big
As you begin to go down the hill
You encounter bumps and small stones
They throw you off
But the wind on your face lets you know you're alive
After a bit you get use to the speed
And you want more
You peddle faster
Look at you go
But take care
Not too fast or you will miss it
You go off jumps
Tricks that once seemed difficult
Are now performed with ease
Too busy with what you are doing
Don't forget about the world
Too late
Too fast
Half way down already
You don't notice the view
The road is your focus
The rut you are in
The home stretch
It seemed so smooth from the top
It seemed so easy
But you notice every bump
You are sore
Near the end
The hill seemed so big
But it's gone now
And you just taste the ground
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