Monday, March 31, 2008

From the depths of hell I stab at my self...

On your belly
"Crawl, crawl fucker"
He tastes my boot
As I condemn
His actions
His deeds
I punish him for his crimes

In the corner...

In your corner
Your designated place
You create worlds
Paint your mind
With brilliant colours
Outside the lines
Tracing the soft tissues
Your finger penetrates
And leads you down
Into the depths
Your dark places
The images here are matte
Absorbing all light
You fumble around
On your hand and knees
The ground is sharp
Stones from the past
Cut your hands
The brambles and nettles
Prick your heart
A voice unequivocal but remote
Comes to your ears
A song
Lifting you up
Out of the dangers of your past
Out of the darkness that you hide
In your corner
Your designated place

Friday, March 28, 2008


The smell
Like charred hair and flesh

My soul
Is black and shriveled 

Too often
Have I let another
My destiny 


Like a forest
Let the fire
Make way for new growth

New buds 
Are sprouting 
Its Spring


To help
Get use to
When I am gone

To be apart
To grow apart
To be together

To take
Her uniqueness
For granted
Her love

Distanced from her
But not from her love
The knowledge 
That we will be together

In the scope
It is but a moment
But we have 

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Missing you...

I just turned and walked away
You fool!
If you had just asked her to hold you she might have
Step after step
Down the stairs

The night seems cold
As I get in my car
I realize we need this
But my mind keeps racing

Just drive
I go in search for I know not what
I know now
I was looking for the place
It might have been the first time I realized
I love her

Our field
Over looking all
Everything was so fresh then
Now I can't seem to find it
The darkness clouds my memory

I drive
In search for sleep
But find only my thoughts
They give me little comfort
Tomorrow I might ask her to hold me once more

Tuesday, March 18, 2008



Change your colours
the texture of your thoughts
they are no longer synthetic

not disheartened
not ashamed
actions speak louder
no words spoke
just a tender touch
your soul warmed over

hinder yourself no longer
give up your inhibitions
give up the barrier that holds you back
and gain the world

Monday, March 17, 2008

In The Night...

Beat to death
sleeping on a bench
the nation's best
hired to protect

The woman
a witness
taken within an inch

The men
will they pay for the crime
or be free
to blot out another


The drugs in my veins
change me
help me deal with reality
but I live in a haze
though once in a while I see a glimmer of light
it's fleeting
twice a day I consume them
or do they consume me?
round and round
circular thinking
I am but a shadow
a wisp of what I use to be
a shadow
a wisp
I fade in my memory

Death Defying...

Throw yourself onto the fire
smother the flames of hell
curse the darkness
carry the world on your shoulders
swear on the bible "there is no God"
bleed for the ones you love
for the ones who can't fight for themselves
who can't help themselves
take on the sinner's burdens
realize that in all the world
you are really alone


Trapped within myself
unable to scream

witness to gross injustice
unable to fight it

unable to heal it

unable to do a God damn thing

I am scared
scared of it all
it consumes me
I can't control myself
unable to even scream

The Word...

I am beginning to hate the word love
some use the word to describe how they feel
when they have a crush
some when they lust
when they are infatuated
when they respect or even idolize

Maybe I should stop using the word love
a new word
because what I feel is unlike what I see in others
the only time I see it
is in fairytales

Maybe I am seen by them the same way
maybe they feel the same way
but then why would they treat each other so?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Where's it going...

I sit here
listening to my past
visions creep into my eyes
from my subconscious

What I thought would be
has not come to pass
but my visions remind me

Remind me once again
that time goes fast
too fast

When all's said and done
death will have us

Pictures from the past
people I once hated
become wisps
people I was once close to
I no longer recognize

distanced from my past
never have I been more myself
never have I been so lost
I am but a witness to my life

I watch as it all passes by
I can feel what it's like

To be touched
and held

I use to cry over my past
my present 
my future

Now I am numb to it
it all becomes witness to me

I achieve
and file it away in a drawer
don't except

Witness to my life
who can know what the past thinks?
the present grates on me
but I can't feel it
I lean on the future
and fall as it gives out on me
like so many
ill constructed 

Shake it off
shake it off

Feel again God damn it
the drugs
are they to blame?


Without control 
I slip
slip into what?
into the unknown

Numbness is familiar
could pain come?
could pleasure?

It's worth the risk

Friday, March 14, 2008


Friends unfamiliar
Old allegiances questioned
Family with barriers
I walk the street at night
What's around the corner?
A pimp?
People who are going to drug me and take me to a rundown hotel and cut me open and harvest my organs and I will wake up in a bathtub full of ice and have stitches all over my body and be in dire need of medical assitance?
Just another empty street...
It's different then the one I was just on but I think everything will be ok.


God damn life is good.
I love being able to:
Get up in the morning a look myself in the mirror
Drive myself to school not need a ride
Learn and not be over welmed
Not drop out of school but keep at it even if it's a shit day
Interact with classmates and instructors without panicing (too much)
Going home and sharing a cup of tea with my Dad
Making a good meal for the ones that I love
Spending time with my lady friend...we can do almost anything together and its fun
Having someone to kiss goodnight

In short I like my life and everyday is becoming easier to live.

Beside the road...

I try to live
by the rules
but I am
by the roadside

I wait
for a boost
for a lift

some say
I am by
the road
by choice

but someone has come
to help
and I am
once again on the road

not alone
we travel
down the road
we choose

our destination

if it's the journey
and the company
then I am

Blemishes add to character...

like so many things

not longer hidden
not to be owned

Their makeup
taken individually
does not determine value

The whole
makes them

their past

in the light
like no other

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The First Week Of Spring...

My past seems distant
And the future seems near
All things merge

Now the dream is beginning
I must be asleep
I rise from the depths

I fly
Past the grey towers
With her I find something closer
Then I thought

Only her and I
All things seem right

Reality comes too soon
But it's different now
My dreams and reality mix

Stretching out before us
The world
Growing warmer

Unable to think of anything
But her

We travel
Outside of the circle

It comes to the time to turn back
But my life has changed
Our lives

Like a helix

We chose the path together
And fate will pick the destination

I am no longer scared

Friday, March 7, 2008


Lean and hungry look
Such men are dangerous
Such men as me

Getting greedy for a good thing
So sweet but it doesn't rot the teeth
It gets the gears going
Spinning faster
Working hard
In my mind

Lean and hungry

Possibilities enter the picture
The frame stretches 
The frame shrinks
All the world encompassed in a single dot
A circle

Grow and shrink
To the rhythm 
The rhythm of her heart

Pulse, pulse
The life blood of the world
Greedy again
The hunger grows

The burden of knowing I am wanted
I am needed
To know that I make a difference
My old building and loan pal

The greed expands
Taking over my life
To say hello
To spare some change
To give without question or judgement

Hungry for change
Looming over me
This cloud follows overhead 
It can't rain all the time

The light warms me over and gives me strength

All I know is what I experience
The world only exists through the senses
It's all in my head
The world
On my shoulders
I am Atlas

I am my world and I can change it
The power lies in me to bare this burden
To hold it up high
To say ''this is me, lean and hungry, in us lies the power and you can not stop the change!"

Lean and hungry
She calms the storm 
My pulse is faster

For a time I can relax
With her

The love
For me
For you
For everyone who ever cried

Once you have a taste for it
You are going to get hungry for it
You will get greedy for it
You WILL want it everyday

To the pain...

I express myself in metaphors and movie quotes
Vague and witty
I baffle them and distract them with laughter
I am more confused then them though
And I force myself to laugh
"That's it" I say
"Go on and fool yourself"
I fool myself into thinking I don't know what's going on
Fool into thinking I don't hurt anymore
Fool, fool
The dull pain lingers
Reminding me
To sit up straight
Eat my vegetables
Get good grades
Believe in yourself
That's the hard one
Oh, and don't show weakness
Act normal
But no more hiding behind weak metaphors and quotes
This is me and I hurt

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Revive me...

She threw my love into the sea
To wash away all traces of me
But sometimes when she's alone
She goes to my grave and weeps

Her tears drop onto the ground
And seep through the earth to me
Reviving me

When she is gone to her new lover
And the moon is out
I rise from my slumber again

I stalk the streets looking for her
And find eventually 
The house
Our house

Key still in a flower pot
The door opens
Into the abode I saunter

It smells of lilies
Of her

The rooms are dark
But I have no trouble seeing
The bedroom is warm

Warmth I haven't felt in so long
She lies sleeping
But beside her is another

Anger grows
Unable to speak
I pick at his mind

She awakes shrieking
For an instant
She recognizes me

But the morning sun in coming
And the birds sing
I flee to the yard again

And I am left but a memory...haunting


Now cracks a noble head
Once thought noble anyway
Now fallen from the pedestal 
Down to Earth he falls
Now like Mr. Dumpty
Waiting for the King's men
But the men are all old and withered 
It's a new world and we are all equal
No King now, no nobility
We will help you up
And getting up you dust yourself off
And find you're not cracked
No more a bust of marble but a man of flesh
Not as far to fall and more likely to have someone
Willing to catch you

This Mirror...

I hide behind this mirror
I hide so that all you can see is your reflection
I want you to see beauty
To see yourself
I hide behind this mirror

I hide behind this mirror
I hide because I am scared
Scared to see myself
That I have faults
That I make mistakes
That I might be worthy of forgiveness 
I hide behind this mirror

I must face you
I must face the world
I must see myself
And in doing so I find that we are all worthy


Death, it surrounds me
But I guess that's the cycle
Death, rebirth, death, rebirth
How many times will I have to live this life?
Is there something I am missing?
Do I have to get it right to get out of here?
Get what right?
I am a good person
Honest, loyal, trustworthy, compassionate
Sure I have my faults but everyone does
Do I have to be Mother Theresa?
The Pope?
In a world where evil is rewarded
And the good are made to suffer
We purify ourselves with pain and misery 
You never know when the end will come
But you pray it happens soon

The bitch is back...

spoken: I went away and came back drunk
Cause she bothered me every night
I wouldn't give her more money to go shopping
And she said things that weren't so nice

The bitch is back and there's gonna be trouble
(hey-la, hey-la, the bitch is back)
When I see her coming I cut out on the double
(hey-la, hey-la, the bitch is back)

She was spreading lies that I was untrue
(hey-la, hey-la, the bitch is back)
She is coming back for more but I've paid my dues
(hey-la, hey-la, the bitch is back)

Hey, I know what she's been trying
And I know where she's been lying

She's been away for such a long time
(hey-la, hey-la, the bitch is back)
Now she's back and messing with my mind
(hey-la, hey-la, the bitch is back)

Now I am sorry I ever was with her
(hey-la, hey-la, the bitch is back)
She maxed out my card and bought a new fur
(hey-la, hey-la, the bitch is back)

Now I know she was cheating
And that bitch deserves a good beating

What was I thinking to believe all her lies?
(Aah-ooh, aah-ooh)
I was a big man but she cut me down to size
(Aah-ooh, aah-ooh)
Oh God!

The bitch is back, she's gonna ruin my reputation
(hey-la, hey-la, the bitch is back)
She stole my card and took a vacation
(hey-la, hey-la, the bitch is back)

Hey, I can see her coming
Now I better take off a running
(Aah-ooh, aah-ooh)
Lord help me!

The bitch is back, she's gonna ruin my reputation
(hey-la, hey-la, the bitch is back)

Yeah, my bitch is back
Well look out now, my bitch is back
Well, I could see her coming
This time SHE better start a running
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

The bitch is back...