Thursday, November 22, 2007
Businesses try to screw over ordinary people...
Well it looks as though the negotiations with CUPE 1975 and the University of Regina/University of Saskatchewan are going no where fast. After 3 weeks of striking both sides met and CUPE wanted outside mediation to which the Universities responded by giving them a FINAL offer...which is worse then the original offer! CUPE is taking the offer to the members for a vote but with such a pathetic offer and the unreasonable unethical behaviour of the Universities I hope for a rejection of this proposal. This isn't just the situation at the Universities, all over the province ordinary people are getting bullied by bussiness into taking unfair treatment. Could this be the start of something meaningful in our corner of the world? Most likely not but I like to dream about what could happen...I am a member of Cupe and although I am not stiking I would like to see that happen...ALL of CUPE striking...ALL unions strking...ALL employees, suffering from being stepped on by bussinesses and the corperate world, on strike!!! I want to see people gathered together marching for fair treatment of ALL. And I am not just talking about wages, I am talking about ethical practices by THEM...and us in our dealings with EVERYONE! If that could happen if we could all band together we could make a difference and change things for the better. We could do it without violence if we could just get together and agree to stand up for our rights...for the rights of our planet. WE COULD START A REVOLUTION!!!
Monday, November 19, 2007
The World has turned and left me here...
Recently I have been looking through our local "newspaper" the Regina Leader Post and boy is it craptacular. I have a great idea, let's publish a newspaper in which we will talk very minimally about any real and current issues and just talk about how; it's soooooo expensive to fill up our trucks and SUVs,it's sooooo hard to get all the latest toys for our kids at Christmas time so we have to rob each other's houses to get them,it's sooooooo unfair that the new immigrants down the street move into OUR neighbourhood. It all just reminds me how much I hate myself for not being able to...strike that, not having a bit of brass in my pants to at least try and make a difference. The world HAS fallen apart and I don't know where to start...
For an interesting flick watch, God Grew Tired of Us: The Story of Lost Boys of Sudan
For an interesting flick watch, God Grew Tired of Us: The Story of Lost Boys of Sudan
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Take some time to ponder...
As I watched the news today I felt the chaos of the world seep over from T.V. land and into my pleasant little dark corner. With Remembrance Day coming up I think about the ideals that they fought for and I wonder if those ideas are truely what they fought for. If it was, how have we gone so wrong? Now, we fight for resources and money. It's not even for us, it's for the rich who sell it to us for rediculous amounts of money because they tell us we want...we need it. The only time we fight for people it's because they are a resource to be used/manipulated. And so our influence grows as we control others and we are controlled too. And as remebrance day comes I will take time to remember what the soldiers fought for and how maybe we should fight for something meaningful too...
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Where or where has our vision of Canada gone?
I want a better Canada and a better world but it seems to me that I am afraid to take a risk towards what I feel might be a painful set of steps in what feels like a futile fight. I feel that the world now needs great change more quickly then the current system/leaders/general public are willing to move. The only way I see out of it is through a revolution of some kind (violent or no). If some major event happened it might cause some kind of revelation with general public who would then put pressure on the government for drastic changes. The other option is to have a group of people with a great vision of what Canada could be and drag the rest of the people into a place where we could once again be a world leader and something we can be proud of. I think change can only come at sacrifice of self but I am afraid that if I did something, my self sacrifice would be in vain. I can not be the leader that this country needs so until I find someone who can shape the Canada that I want, will I continue to be a coward?
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Let's get things started...
With the up coming provincial election (Nov. 7th) I think it gives us the perfect opportunity to show just how, how fed-up and ANGRY we are with the current political situation and all the aspects of OUR society that these "representatives" seem inclined to cause to spiral down into Hell. Well, we can bring on the fires too! But ours will be a fire of purification. Let's bring on Ragnarok. I see Fenrir and Garmr and Jörmungandr and a trunk load of giant assholes. Self interest is not the only interest and it's time again for politicians to realize it so lets shake things up a bit. I am encouraging everyone to go for a walk the night before the elections (Tuesday) and take down/graffiti/burn/destroy all political signs. Make sure not to discriminate, all signs must go! Be careful not to do anything to any other part of the properties. These are just poor misguided people who see no alternative but to vote for the best monster-in-humanform. So go out and get some exercise!(don't forget your matches!).
(just so you know, messing with political signs can get you fined $5000 and up to 2 years in jail.)
(just so you know, messing with political signs can get you fined $5000 and up to 2 years in jail.)
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