Sunday, November 4, 2007

Let's get things started...

With the up coming provincial election (Nov. 7th) I think it gives us the perfect opportunity to show just how, how fed-up and ANGRY we are with the current political situation and all the aspects of OUR society that these "representatives" seem inclined to cause to spiral down into Hell. Well, we can bring on the fires too! But ours will be a fire of purification. Let's bring on Ragnarok. I see Fenrir and Garmr and Jörmungandr and a trunk load of giant assholes. Self interest is not the only interest and it's time again for politicians to realize it so lets shake things up a bit. I am encouraging everyone to go for a walk the night before the elections (Tuesday) and take down/graffiti/burn/destroy all political signs. Make sure not to discriminate, all signs must go! Be careful not to do anything to any other part of the properties. These are just poor misguided people who see no alternative but to vote for the best monster-in-humanform. So go out and get some exercise!(don't forget your matches!).

(just so you know, messing with political signs can get you fined $5000 and up to 2 years in jail.)

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