Saturday, November 10, 2007

Take some time to ponder...

As I watched the news today I felt the chaos of the world seep over from T.V. land and into my pleasant little dark corner. With Remembrance Day coming up I think about the ideals that they fought for and I wonder if those ideas are truely what they fought for. If it was, how have we gone so wrong? Now, we fight for resources and money. It's not even for us, it's for the rich who sell it to us for rediculous amounts of money because they tell us we want...we need it. The only time we fight for people it's because they are a resource to be used/manipulated. And so our influence grows as we control others and we are controlled too. And as remebrance day comes I will take time to remember what the soldiers fought for and how maybe we should fight for something meaningful too...

1 comment:

Aged One said...

It is good to take time to ponder...