Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Where or where has our vision of Canada gone?

I want a better Canada and a better world but it seems to me that I am afraid to take a risk towards what I feel might be a painful set of steps in what feels like a futile fight. I feel that the world now needs great change more quickly then the current system/leaders/general public are willing to move. The only way I see out of it is through a revolution of some kind (violent or no). If some major event happened it might cause some kind of revelation with general public who would then put pressure on the government for drastic changes. The other option is to have a group of people with a great vision of what Canada could be and drag the rest of the people into a place where we could once again be a world leader and something we can be proud of. I think change can only come at sacrifice of self but I am afraid that if I did something, my self sacrifice would be in vain. I can not be the leader that this country needs so until I find someone who can shape the Canada that I want, will I continue to be a coward?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Eat POOP and chocolate sauce!